Intelligence applied to business

A client-centered chatbot emulates the service offered by a human agent. It is able to understand questions and carry out a variety of transactions, such as quotation and sale of insurance coverages, quickly and easily. The chatbot comprehensibly interacts with i-SOL and is equipped with Machine Learning technology that allows for ongoing “training” of the Virtual Assistant.

Suggested Applications

General Public Access

Entity/Company Client Access


Intuitive Interface

It is user-friendly and can be easily operated, either in conversational mode via text input, or enriched mode, aided by quick access buttons to the main features.


The chatbot fully interacts with i-Sol, mostly for all insurance related transactions. With a layered architecture, it allows for a streamlined integration with clients’ websites and other platforms.

Artificial Intelligence

The chatbot is equipped with Machine Learning technology that allows for training of the Virtual Assistant, so that it can provide answers to new questions or questions which were not previously understood, and carry out new transactions.


Both, its interface and circuits can be reconfigured to comply with the institutional design standards and business functions required by each organization.

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