i-SOL is a platform designed to cover all the needs of the Bank Assurance sector. Developed using Agile Methodologies, i-SOL®️ allows for the efficient management of the insurance business and it has a modular design suitable to any company. In addition, it relates all company products, integrating all participants: Brokers, Credit Cards, Insurance Companies, Dealerships, Collection Entities, and Sales Forces, among others.
It allows for different options of configuration in terms of technology, functionalities and business needs.
Aligned with domestic and international standards and best practices.
It is suitable for installation under SaaS, On Premise, Cloud, PaaS or IaaS schemes.
Orientada a la Omnicanalidad, permite integración a chatbots, canales digitales, sistemas CRM y portales web.
i-SOL features modern graphical interfaces that are not only adaptable, but intuitive and easy to use.